A New Wave of Review Sites Seeks to Address Endemic Problems Online

The Internet is awash with product reviews, but that does not mean that many of them are helpful. Some people believe, in fact, that finding truly reliable product reviews is harder than ever, as so many of the reviews online are the product of counter-productive influences. Whether that means the reviewers in question were provided with free goods for their efforts or they have other ulterior motives entirely, Truthful and honest Product Reviews are by no means the norm.

Even an otherwise unremarkable Amazon product page today might list hundreds or thousands of individual reviews, for example. While some of these no doubt contain the unvarnished, unfiltered truth, figuring out which are the honest ones can be incredibly hard. In some cases, reviewers do note when they are subject to influences that might compromise the objectivity of their write-ups. That is by no means the rule, however, leaving site users to fend for themselves as they try to decide which reviews to trust.

That is only part of the problem, too. The fact is that the vast majority of online reviews, whether honest or not, are simply not very useful. Relatively few of them stem from the kind of diligent, thorough work that provides consumers with the information they really need when they want to make purchasing decisions. While the unpaid reviewers who are responsible for most of what is to found cannot necessarily be blamed for this, the fact is that their efforts more often confuse the issues than shed much-needed light on them.

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Because of these unfortunate facts, there has been something of a movement in recent years to provide Internet users with the kinds of product reviews they really need. Committing to being more useful, honest, and transparent than has so far been the norm online, sites like Reviewz Rock are setting new standards and challenging others to live up to them.

A quick visit to Reviewz Rock or another site of this new generation will show what a difference these principles make. Instead of being forced to wade through piles of reviews of questionable truthfulness and usefulness, site users can be confident that what they read is the product of a real commitment to catering to their interests.

That makes the experience of researching and shopping online a lot more productive and pleasant. While online consumers have so far settled for less than they wanted in many ways, that is slowly changing as review sites that commit to putting them first increasingly crop up.